Jesús Puente-搜索结果

  • La estanquera de Vallecas

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 惊悚

    导演:埃洛伊·德拉·伊格莱西亚   编剧:José Luis Alonso de Santos

    主演:埃玛·佩内利亚, 何塞·路易斯·戈麦斯, José Luis Manzano, 玛丽维尔·贝尔杜, 费尔南多·古林, Jesús Puente

  • 课程结束 Asignatura aprobada

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:何塞·路易斯·加尔西   编剧:何塞·路易斯·加尔西

    主演:Jesús Puente, Victoria Vera, 特雷莎·希梅拉

      A writer is having a midlife crisis. He recollects his life and it makes him feel even worse. Only a love affair or two helps him take his mind off things. A 50-year-old playwright (Jesus Puente) bemoans his fate from his secluded home in Northern Spain in this depressing drama. Side plots include an actress and former acquaintance who comes to visit and his amorous diversions ...

  • 末日庞贝 Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei

    类型:剧情, 动作, 爱情, 冒险

    导演:马里奥·博纳德   编剧:Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, 恩尼奥·德·孔奇尼, Luigi Emmanuele, 赛尔乔·莱昂内, 杜奇奥·泰萨利, 赛尔乔·科尔布奇

    主演:Ángel Ortiz, 马里奥·贝里亚图阿, Lola Torres, 伊尼亚齐奥·多尔切, 安东尼奥·卡萨斯, Vicky Lagos, Jesús Puente, María Silva, 史蒂夫


  • 重复放映 Sesión continua


    导演:José Luis Garci   编剧:何塞·路易斯·加尔西

    主演:Adolfo Marsillach, Jesús Puente, María Casanova, Emma Suárez

      西班牙导演José Luis Garci凭借82年的《Volver a empezar》获得奥斯卡最佳外语片奖后,又再度凭借此片获奥斯卡最佳外语片提名。
      The film tells the story of the relationship and friendship of two men who are both very much affected by the cinema: Both of them are writers, one of books the other of screenplays.